Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares, how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in discourse?
Social networks allow individuals to actively voice out their concerns and voice their opinions. As individuals do not have to go through mainstream media to announce what they want to say, people are able to share first-hand information that they have experienced to talk about the real story (Baker). PLNs can help amplify a message through sharing on social media and from person to person. People are able to directly post their thoughts and ideas online with others. As a result, others are able to learn about unique experiences and cultures that are not commonly discussed in mainstream media through social media and blogs. Baker mentioned in his interview that an indigenous teenage girl uses social media as a medium to promote tourism to their town. Her social media account helps the world see their community first-hand. However, PLNs could create confusion for people as there is an overwhelming amount of information out there. People have a hard time determining if an idea or information is legitimate and accurate, especially when there are conflicting information and ideas about the same topic.
How does the use of PLN raise awareness opportunities?
PLNs help “bring an understanding of [an individual’s] story and [their] family’s story” (Baker). Hence, the public is able to learn about unique cultures and experiences that are not commonly talked about. Moreover, people are able to become more positive contributors to society, by supporting and acknowledging each other in their PLN (Baker). This can be done by leaving positive comments that add to the discussion on a post. Furthermore, the complexity of a local nation can be put out there (Baker); people are able to learn the lifestyle and traditional practices of a nation. For example, indigenous influencers like @indigenous_baddie on Instagram and Tiktok make Tiktoks/Reels that talk about indigenous culture, history, and customs. People in her PLN are able to gain exposure to indigenous culture and experiences in Canada directly from a local. These types of influencers are able to raise awareness for indigenous rights and their point of view on current news and policies that affect indigenous people.

What is the role of social media in education – whether it be classroom or community discourse?
Social media can be used as a tool for students to gain knowledge quickly through google search. Students are able to connect and learn from other individuals through reading blog posts, watching YouTube videos, and connecting on social media. For example, some common YouTube channel that helps students learn includes Crash Course, Ted-Ed, and Khan Academy. In addition, social media allows students to keep in touch with peers to share knowledge and ask questions.
With social media, indigenous voices can be heard in education (Baker). These indigenous voices can influence politics, create movements, and generate awareness for their culture. Social media creates a platform to allow everyone, regardless of gender, race, and age to share their experiences and knowledge with the world.
What are some problems or risks to consider with social media communications when discussing topics that may be uncomfortable but reflect needed change?
Risks that can occur when posting controversial topics include having potential oppositions and negative comments. People may be triggered by the message an individual posts on social media, therefore, they may become angry and leave negative comments on one’s post. They may even direct message the individual to talk about their point of view. Last year, I posted a story on Instagram about the “Defund the Police” movement. After making that post, a few people direct messaged me to talk about their opinion that opposes my own. At first, I was taken back by their confrontation, but after hearing their point of view I was able to understand the logic behind their opinion. I learned through this experience that it is important to be open-minded when hearing opinions that are different from my own. If I have not been willing to listen to the opinions of the people who messaged me about the topic, I would not have gained a new perspective on the issue. Secondly, in order to learn and discuss topics that are uncomfortable and need change, like Brad Baker said, “for true change, people need to be more vulnerable”. By making posts to talk about one’s view on an uncomfortable topic, an individual can learn new opinions and different perspectives about a topic from others.
Baker, Brad. “Brad Baker EDCI 338”. Youtube.Com, 10 June 2021, 3:00-15:50, Accessed 18 June 2021.
Sephora. “Sephora Canada Amplifies Indigenous Voices with Its First-Ever National Indigenous History Month Campaign.” Cision Canada, 3 June 2021,
June 19, 2021 — 12:32 am
Hi Helen, thank you for your sharing. Your experience on the “Defund the Police” movement remains me that what should we do after hearing opinions from the opposite side. I agree with you that we should keep an open mind on controversial topics and issues, it is good for people can understand opinions from other perspectives. However, I am also thinking that sometimes we need to stand firm and unwavering on what we have believed in, for example, there must be a reason why people join the “Defund the Police” movement. This is hard for the public when we are receiving multiple voices from different perspectives, I think it is challenging for us to choosing a standpoint and stick to it.
June 21, 2021 — 4:40 pm
Hi Violet,
Yeah, you bring out a good point about needing to stand up to your own view and be unwavering. I often find it challenging to do that as I personally get easily influenced by others and can be easily persuaded. It is especially harder these days with so much information out there. They all seem to have evidence to support their claim…
June 20, 2021 — 12:05 pm
Hi Helen!
You bring up how we can learn so much through social media and how with the use of technology, we can learn about individual’s stories first hand. You give an example of an indigenous influencer that I also follow. Especially this year, I have seen more representation and have learned so much more through individual’s stories. You also mention how in the interview with Baker, he mentions how young people can post and share to bring attention to their community and create more awareness either to what their community needs or to bring in more tourism. Tik tok is the the platform I use the most now and just from this one app and how the algorithm works, it shows me how information can reach the masses in a fast way.
June 20, 2021 — 11:54 pm
Hi Helen,
I really enjoyed reading your blog! I thought it was really interesting when you shared that you received negative replies after posting a “defund the police” story on Instagram. Similarly, I also received some unexpected direct messages when I posted information supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement on Instagram. Similar to you, I was also taken aback by reading some of these messages, particularly coming from people who I thought were good friends. However, like you, I also realized that I should be open-minded to hear other’s opinions, even if they may differ from mine.